Monday, October 4, 2010

Reader's Response to Profile Of My Choice

Profile: Gordon Ramsay
Article by Johnathan Player 
Reader's Response 

     This profile is straightforward by giving facts about Gordon Ramsay's life and career. Unlike the Guy profile, this one does not engage the reader as much. However, this profile does give the reader knowledge about Ramsay and is helpful for learning about how he came to be who he is today. For a reader, it would be helpful to know Ramsay's shows, and personality before reading this article.
     Gordon Ramsay does not come off the page as fluidly as Guy did in the last profile the class read. Yet, if the reader has seen at least one episode of any of Ramsay's shows the reader is able to picture what Player is discussing.
     When Player was interviewing Ramsay, he probably asked some basic questions. One example question would be, "What were you encouraged to do professional by family?" A second question he probably asked Ramsay is, "What shows do are you currently on?" A third question would be, "Where and who did you begin your culinary career with?" Another question would be, "When did you open your first restaurant and did the restaurant achieve any awards?" Perhaps Player asked Ramsay, "When was your behavior noticed and how did people response?" Lastly, Player probably asked Ramsay, "Where are all of your restaurants located today?"
     I believe this profile could have been furthered by making Ramsay's character come to life for the reader. Today Ramsay is known for his hardball character as well as his food. Though Player talks about this, he could have pulled in a quote or situation in one of Ramsay's TV shows to demonstrate Ramsay's character.
     Overall, I believe this profile is an informational-based profile, not a character and informational-based profile.

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